Our governance
Details about the Crown Commercial Service board.
Crown Commercial Service board
The board is responsible for:
- providing strategic advice, support and challenge to the accounting officer and executive directors
- endorsing our vision, standards and values
- endorsing our strategic aims and objectives and setting targets
- developing and endorsing our strategy and annual business plan
- reviewing the management of financial and human resources to deliver the business plan
- monitoring operational and financial performance
- monitoring strategic risks and seeking assurance on their management
- reviewing the annual report and accounts prior to approval by the accounting officer
- reviewing the effectiveness of internal controls and scheme of delegated authority
- scrutinising and reviewing major business cases
- reviewing staff and customer satisfaction survey results and annual health and safety reviews
Management board members
The board members are:
- Simon Tse, Chief Executive
- Sean Golding, Finance Director
- Peter George, Non-executive Chair
- Steve McCrystal, Non-executive Director
- Dr Manuela Gazzard, Non-executive Director
- Gareth Rhys Williams, Non-executive Director
- Steve Weiner , Non-executive Director
- Sara Halton, Non-executive Director
The board meets every 6 to 8 weeks.