Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Committee on Fuel Poverty.

The Committee on Fuel Poverty (CFP) is an advisory non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

The role of the group is to:

  • monitor and report on progress towards the interim milestones and 2030 fuel poverty target
  • support and challenge the government on its delivery approach to underpin successful implementation of the strategy, including considering and reporting on:
    • the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and schemes which contribute to meeting the milestones and 2030 target
    • the impact of other policies and schemes on fuel poverty
    • modifications to existing policies and any additional policies and schemes needed to meet the milestones and 2030 target
  • encourage and foster a partnership approach between and within government and stakeholders, including at local level, to make progress against the milestones and targets, including the identification of barriers to effective joint working
  • work where appropriate with the Committee on Climate Change, which has a statutory duty to consider fuel poverty when advising on carbon budgets, to help underpin efforts to ensure that the decarbonisation and fuel poverty agendas work together

See our framework document.


The government’s fuel poverty target is to ensure that as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable achieve a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C, by 2030. The interim milestones are:

  • as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to Band E by 2020
  • as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to Band D by 2025