Wycombe Council signs Community Covenant with RAF station
Wycombe District Councillors and the Executive Officers of RAF High Wycombe came together on Monday 16 April to sign an Armed Forces Community Covenant.
The Armed Forces Community Covenant is a government initiative intended to foster a greater understanding between communities and local Armed Forces units.
In an unprecedented move, the Royal Air Force station is believed to be the first individual unit to enter into a covenant with a district council.
The relationship between the RAF base and the local community has always been strong and many working initiatives have now been put in place. In recognition of this, RAF High Wycombe was granted the Freedom of the District by the District Council just last year.
The signing of the Community Covenant formalises this relationship and paves the way for even greater co-operation between the two bodies.
Speaking of the relationship between Wycombe District Council and RAF High Wycombe, Councillor Ian McEnnis, Chairman of Wycombe District Council, said:
Wycombe has always been proud of its association with the RAF and our residents are deeply grateful to our servicemen and women for their commitment, service and sacrifice for our country. Without them, the freedom and liberty we take for granted would not be there.
Group Captain Mark Heffron, RAF High Wycombe’s Station Commander, said:
We depend upon and indeed cherish the support we receive from the district … put simply we could not operate in the district without your support.