World news story

Universal Periodic Review 32: New Zealand

The UK praised New Zealand's commitment to media freedoms and efforts to prevent gender inequality. The UK recommends tackling inequalities faced by Maori and Pasifika communities.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
HRC Chamber UN Geneva

Thank you, Mr Vice-President,

The UK welcomes New Zealand’s long-standing commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, and to the UPR.

The UK pays particular tribute to New Zealand’s efforts to protect and promote media freedom, and the important steps it has taken to tackle gender inequality and domestic violence. We welcome the work New Zealand has undertaken in tackling modern slavery, and the development of joint principles to tackle modern slavery in global supply chains agreed at UNGA 2018.

We note that child poverty, family violence, housing and LGBT rights are areas of concern, and that these areas have been identified by New Zealand as human rights priorities for focused effort. We encourage the Government to engage constructively with the findings of the Royal Commission on Mental Health and Addiction.

We recommend:

  1. Considering introducing legislation requiring businesses to report publicly on transparency in supply chains, to eliminate practices of modern slavery in New Zealand and beyond its borders.

  2. Adopting an open, merit-based process when selecting national candidates for UN Treaty Body elections.

  3. A strategy to tackle social inequalities experienced by Maori and Pasifika communities in health, housing, employment, education, social services & justice.

Thank you, Mr Vice-President.

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Published 21 January 2019