World news story

UK Statement following the Presidential inauguration in Honduras

Statement by the British Ambassador to Honduras, Thomas Carter, following the inauguration of President Juan Orlando Hernandez on 27 January 2018.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Thomas Carter

Thomas Carter

The United Kingdom and Honduras are long-standing partners, a relationship which we greatly cherish. We look forward to continuing to work with the Honduran people and with the country’s newly elected authorities to promote regional security and prosperity, and to enhance democracy and good governance. This includes prioritising the respect for human rights, and the fight against corruption.

The cornerstone of democracy is the respect of the wishes of the people. It is a failure of a democracy when people lose their lives as a consequence of an election, and my thoughts are with the loved ones of the many Hondurans who died in the events which followed the recent elections. I urge the authorities to ensure these incidents are thoroughly investigated.

The UK calls on Hondurans from across the political spectrum to embark on a genuine dialogue to resolve the current conflict, and we welcome the efforts of the United Nations to broker such a dialogue. We urge the Honduran authorities to implement the recommendations of the Electoral Observation Missions which observed the November elections, including those of the Election Observation Mission of the European Union, in which the UK participated, and which will make its recommendations shortly. The goal must be a reformed electoral process which produces results in which all Hondurans can have full confidence.

We welcome the commitments which President Hernandez gave to protecting human rights, fighting corruption and reforming the electoral process in his speech at his inauguration on 27 January. It is important that the Government of Honduras continues to work with MACCIH to tackle corruption and impunity. We will support the Government’s efforts to deliver on these promises.

The UK is a firm partner of Honduras in its quest for a better future.

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Published 31 January 2018