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UK National Day celebrated at Milan Expo 2015

The UK’s National Day at Milan Expo 2015 takes place today (17 June 2015), celebrating the UK's strengths and contributions to the Expo theme of 'Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life'.

Interior of the hive which forms part of the UK Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015

Interior of the hive which forms part of the UK Pavilion at Milan Expo 2015

UK National Day at Milan Expo 2015 is a series of cultural and business events designed to inform and entertain international visitors on what the UK has to offer the world, especially in sustainable urbanisation.

Activities will promote the UK’s strengths and contributions to the Expo theme of ‘Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life’, demonstrating how the UK is welcoming, diverse and an ideal place to do business.

The Prime Minister, David Cameron, and UK Minister for Trade and Investment, Lord Maude of Horsham, will be in Milan on National Day to meet with UK and international businesses at the Expo.

UK National Day is timed to coincide with Her Majesty The Queen’s official birthday celebrations, which take place around the world.

What’s happening on National Day

Programmes on sustainable cities

During the week, thought-leadership programmes will take place on sustainable urbanisation and the social economy.

These are part of the GREAT Week of Sustainability, a series of trade missions bringing UK companies to meet major buyers, potential partners and business prospects from around the world.

Focus on social investment

Lord Maude of Horsham, UK Minister for Trade and Investment, will meet UK thought-leaders helping to develop the UK’s social investment market.

International fund managers, investors and businesses will attend a social economy roundtable event as part of the UK’s GREAT Week of Sustainability.

A UK delegation of social enterprises and financial intermediaries will promote their organisations and meet international leaders in this growing business sector.

Drama, dance, music and food

Throughout National Day, visitors to Milan Expo will be invited to experience the UK’s creativity.

The UK Pavilion at the Expo has attracted over 12,000 visitors daily and is a symbol of UK creativity and innovation. The Pavilion will host drama and dance, video and music, bringing the UK at Milan Expo themes to life.

Three acts will highlight how the UK has built a reputation for being a welcoming, diverse and open nation, and how its innovations contribute to food sustainability.

World renowned chef Anton Mosimann has created a special menu and is behind the UK Pavilion’s terrace restaurant which serves some of the finest UK dishes using fresh regional ingredients.

Musician Emma Morton will provide the entertainment in the evening at the terrace.

VisitBritain and the UK Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) will hold a special event at the pavilion focussing on the UK’s regional gastronomy (cooking and food) as an authentic element of the British countryside.

Alongside VisitWales and VisitScotland, they will highlight British food trails and the stories behind unique British food names with protected status, including Walker’s Melton Mowbray Pork Pies and Cumberland Sausages.

This event supports VisitBritain’s mission to grow inbound tourism to Britain and improve how international visitors see the UK.

Join the National Day conversation online

Follow the UK’s activity at Milan Expo on Twitter using #GrowninBritain #UKNationalDay and #Expo2015

See photos from the activities on Instagram

Watch the latest videos on YouTube

UK Prime Minister David Cameron visiting the UK Pavilion at Milan Expo on UK National Day

UK Prime Minister David Cameron visiting the UK Pavilion at Milan Expo on UK National Day

Dance entertainment at the UK Pavilion on National Day

Dance entertainment at the UK Pavilion on National Day

Visitors watching the creative dance performances at the UK Pavilion on UK National Day

Visitors watching the creative dance performances at the UK Pavilion on UK National Day

UK presence at Milan Expo 2015

The UK is participating at the World Expo 2015 in Milan from 1 May to 31 October. The Expo’s core theme this year is Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.

It aims to highlight one of the most important challenges of our time – how to feed and sustain an expected rise in the world’s population to 9 billion by 2050.

Milan Expo 2015 offers a platform for the UK to promote its international agenda and highlight British innovation, creativity and leadership.

Visit the official website of the UK Pavilion and plan your visit.

Find out about the UK’s overall presence at Milan Expo 2015.

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Published 17 June 2015