World news story


His Excellency the Governor, Peter Beckingham, chaired the 16th meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday 17 June 2015 at the NJS Francis Building on Grand Turk.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Members of Cabinet were present except for the Deputy Governor.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Received a presentation from Turks and Caicos Environmental Management who updated Cabinet about the work they have carried out so far under Phase 1 and also briefed Cabinet about a proposed Phase 2 of the Solid Waste Programme and other Public-Private Environmental Programmes. The Ministry and Cabinet will review the costings of Phase 2 before making decisions;

  • Reviewed the draft Turks and Caicos Islander Status Bill 2015 and made amendments where appropriate. Advised H.E the Governor to approve a public consultation on the same and to approve the provision of instructions to the Honourable Attorney General to make amendments to the draft Bill as the consultation may suggest;

  • Reviewed the draft Immigration Bill 2015 and made amendments where appropriate. Advised H.E the Governor to approve a public consultation on the same and to approve the provision of instructions to the Honourable Attorney General to make amendments to the draft Bill as the consultation may suggest;

  • Received information on the proposed schools’ summer maintenance programme which will entail upgrading various aspects and repairs and fixing of some of the identified issues in the Government schools throughout the islands. Renovation and replacement works will begin immediately following the schools’ closing for the summer break;

  • Received information about the proposed re-profiling of planning application fees in regards to developments and discussed changes. Further details will be announced in the Gazette;

  • Advised H.E the Governor to approve Nikita O’Neil Skippings “Chef Nik” to act as a Culinary Ambassador for the Turks and Caicos Islands for a period of 2 years with effect from 1 July 2015;

  • Approved the instatement of the Appeals Tribunal of the National Health Insurance (Appeals) Regulations 2010. The following are being recommended to serve on the Appeals Tribunal - Mr Norman Hamilton, Rev. Conrad Howell, Dr. Euan Menzies and Ms Yvette Marcelin;

  • Cabinet approved the appointment of the following members to the Health Practitioners Board (HPB); Dr Jameika Harvey (Chairman), Dr Kendra Hall (Deputy Chair), Dr Raquel D. Lightbourne, Mrs Audrey Ewing, Mr Shanwell Gardiner and Mrs Trammaine Swann-Harvey.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 23 June 2015