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Turks and Caicos Post Cabinet Meeting Statement

His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, chaired the 30th meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, 7 December 2016, at the Hilly Ewing Building on Providenciales.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present except the Hon. Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to establish a team led by the Attorney General’s Chambers to commence negotiations with the proprietors of Crown Land Parcel 10507/35, 62 and 63; Parcel 10507/10; and Parcel 10506/8 on Grand Turk aimed at improving amenities and facilities and better beach access in the vicinity of the Grand Turk Cruise Centre

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the Stamp Duty Ordinance (Amendment) Regulations to correct an error by inserting reference to “North Caicos” in paragraph (b) of Head 3 (Conveyance on Sale) of Schedule 1 of the Ordinance

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve in principle the recruitment on a part-time basis of a senior healthcare professional to fill the role of the TCI Government Complaints Manager at the Turks and Caicos Hospital at Cheshire Hall and Cockburn Town as set out under the Project Agreement contract between TCIG and Interhealth Canada Ltd (IHC)

  • reviewed and approved a policy paper submitted by the Ministry of Education governing special needs education in TCI subject to resources being identified to implement the policy proposals

  • approved the grant of concession orders to Energy Dynamics, to set up eco-friendly tourist accommodation on Providenciales; and to Cactus Villa TCI to convert a property into tourism rental accommodation at Blue Hills, Providenciales, subject to a licence being approved by the Tourist Board

  • discussed a draft Development Agreement between Rock House Ltd and TCI Government for the development of a mixed use resort on 14-acre lots of private property on the north shore of Providenciales and instructed the Attorney General’s Chambers to undertake further work to clarify and resolve certain matters in the Agreement

  • received and noted with amendments to be made an information paper on measures that have been and are proposed to be taken by the National Health Insurance Board (NHIB) to address structural, financial and management challenges faced by the NHIB. Cabinet agreed to an extension of the appointment of the interim CEO of the National Health Insurance Board until 3 January 2017

  • received an up-date on the reconciliation exercise to be completed by HLB (TCI) Ltd by February 2017 on the clinical component of the Project Agreement between TCIG and Interhealth Canada Ltd for the period April 2010 – March 2016;

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve the application by Grace Bay Resorts Ltd to change the zoning from low density residential development to tourism related development for Parcels 60702/66 and 67 and 60703/80 on Providenciales in accordance with the Physical Planning Ordinance 2014 for the development of a boutique residential and resort development

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve Planning Applications GT 4672 submitted by the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sport and Library Services for detailed development permission and a building permit to construct a classroom block at the Eliza Simons Primary School on Grand Turk in accordance with the Physical Planning Ordinance 2014

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve a planning application by Fortis TCI Ltd for outline development permission and change of zoning from medium density residential and tourism related development to an industrial zone over Parcels 60810/173 and 60810/53 on Providenciales to regularise the existing electrical substation

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve a planning application by Lower Rock Estates Ltd for outline development permission and change of zoning from low density residential to commercial development over Parcels 60713/63 on Providenciales in accordance with the Physical Planning Ordinance 2014 to construct an office complex

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve a planning application by Triumph Global Ltd for outline development permission and change of zoning from low density residential to tourism related development over Parcels 60813/35 and 36 on Providenciales in accordance with the Physical Planning Ordinance 2014 to construct an hotel

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve a general licence for the export of conch shells and opercula and for the Attorney General’s Chambers to draft an amendment to the Fisheries Protection Regulation

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve the grant of a one year dredging licence to Blue Cay Development to conduct dredging for the canal approach of the Blue Cay Estate on Providenciales, in accordance with the Coast Protection Ordinance and the Minerals (Exploration and Exploitation) Ordinance; including the grant of an easement to facilitate the dredging works in accordance with the Crown Land Ordinance; all subject to the prior approval of Planning permission

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve the grant of a one year dredging licence to S Walkin and Sons to conduct maintenance dredging of Walkin Marina at Heaving Down Rock on Providenciales in accordance with the Coast Protection Ordinance and the Minerals (Exploration and Exploitation) Ordinance, including the grant of an easement to facilitate the dredging works in accordance with the Crown Land Ordinance; all subject to the prior approval of Planning permission

  • noted the procurement waiver granted for the quarter July – September 2016 in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the Public Procurement Ordinance for the procurement of microphones for the House of Assembly

  • noted the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contract in line with the Public Procurement Ordinance 2012 as follows – TR16/25 Salvage consultant for the removal of the MV Mega One Triton from Governor’s Beach, Grand Turk

  • agreed to a proposal by His Excellency the Governor for the use of emergency funds to undertake immediate security works at the prison following a recent breakout by three prisoners from HM Prison on Grand Turk

  • agreed to the renewal of the lease on the official residence of the Premier on Grand Turk for a holding over period of four months on the current terms with effect from 1 November 2016

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve amendments to the TCI Guide to Protocol Volume 2 to re-categorise the list of precedence of government supported funerals and set the level of services offered

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to grant an easement to Fortis (TCI) Ltd over the seabed between Providenciales and North Caicos to facilitate the installation of power installation cables linking Providenciales to Water Cay, Dellis Cay to Pine Cay and Dellis Cay to North Caicos for a term of 99 years at a rent of $1,000 per annum

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve expenditure of $60,746.10 from the Infrastructure Improvement Account jointly run by TCIG and Carnival to fund various clean-up projects on Grand Turk

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 8 December 2016