World news story

Turks and Caicos Post Cabinet Meeting Statement

His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, chaired the meeting of the Cabinet on Thursday, 21 December 2017, at the Hon. Hilly Ewing Building on Providenciales.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present except the Hon. Deputy Premier.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the Companies Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules) (No.2) Order 2017, the Companies Ordinance (Amendment of Schedules) (No.3) Order 2017 and the Beneficial Ownership Regulations 2017 and authorised the Attorney General’s Chambers to draft an appropriate Order to be enacted before the end of 2017

  • approved a MSME concession order to the company Golden Pelican Villa for the establishment of a vacation rental on North Caicos

  • approved a MSME concession order to the company Nett’s Travelers Rest for the establishment of a short-term rental property on Grand Turk

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve amendments to the National Parks Regulations in relation to the establishment of commercial zones in the Princess Alexandra and Columbus Landfall Marine National Parks in order to improve the regulation of beach vending and related activities in those areas

  • endorsed, subject to amendments being made, a strategy paper prepared by the Commissioner of Lands on measures to monitor and contain the proliferation of illegal occupation of Crown Land in TCI as well as proposals to regularise ownership of land which has been illegally occupied

  • approved the revised Education Sector Plan for the period 2018-2022

  • endorsed a recommendation to make legislative changes to the commencement notice of the Electricity Ordinance for the whole of TCI and requested the Attorney General to draft a Bill to make legislative provision for the validation of all charges made to customers of the electricity company not currently covered by the commencement provisions of the Ordinance

  • received an up-date from the Hon. Premier on TCIG’s supplementary budget proposals

  • received an up-date from the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Culture and Gaming on the issue of the disposal of the illegal catch of fish still in storage

  • received an up-date by the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage, Culture and Gaming on his recent meeting with the German Minister of Tourism

  • noted a proposal by the Hon. Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning relating to work on the National Library on Grand Turk.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 22 December 2017