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Turks and Caicos Islands Post Cabinet Statement 29 August 2018

His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, chaired the 18th meeting of Cabinet on Wednesday, 29 August 2018, at the N J S Francis Building on Grand Turk.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the grant of a long-term commercial lease for 25 years in the first instance to Mr Howard Dickenson over Crown Land Parcel 10409/184 on Grand Turk for the construction of storage facilities

  • received a progress report from the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Gaming on the drafting of a Sargassum Policy for TCI which is well advanced and on measures which are already being taken to address the problem of the increasing influx of Sargassum Seaweed on TCI shores. The Ministry will submit the draft policy paper to Cabinet at the earliest opportunity for approval

  • noted a procurement waiver granted for the Quarter April – June 2018 in accordance with Section 21 of the Public Procurement Ordinance. Cabinet also noted the consolidated list of all procurement waivers for the Financial Year 2017/18

  • noted the financial performance of the TCI Government for the period April-June 2018 as submitted in the 2018/19 First Quarter Financial Report by the Accountant General

  • approved the waiver of rental payments for a period of three months by licensed vendors of the Culture Markets on Grand Turk and Providenciales by way of compensation for loss of business and revenue through damage caused to their stalls after the September 2017 hurricanes

  • noted an information paper by the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Gaming up-dating Cabinet on the establishment of a Maritime Oversight Committee to advise TCIG on work to ensure that TCI meets its international maritime obligations and compliance with international maritime conventions and standards ahead of an audit by the International Maritime Organisation in 2020

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to endorse the “Adopt a Highway” Programme initiative aimed at cleaning up and beautifying the roadsides in Providenciales

  • considered and approved the proposed TCI Climate Change Policy and noted a list of possible measures to be undertaken subject to further assessment of each measure including resources being available

  • noted the financial performance of the TCI Government for the period January – March 2018 as reported by the Accountant General in the 4th Quarter Financial Report 2017/18 submitted in accordance with Section 36 of the Public Finance Management Ordinance 2012

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the appointment of Mr Curtis Simmons as Deputy Chairman of the NHIB in accordance with Section 16 (1) (ii) of the National Health Insurance (Amendment) Ordinance 2017

  • received a paper from the Hon. Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning and a presentation by the Energy and Utilities Commissioner on discussions between TCIG and Fortis TCI Ltd on reforms to the electricity sector regulatory framework. Cabinet approved the recommendations in the paper and requested the Attorney General’s Chambers to draft the necessary legislation to implement the recommendations

  • was informed by the Hon. Premier that she had received the draft National Health Insurance Board actuarial report which would be submitted to Cabinet for consideration

  • was informed by the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Gaming of an approach by the company, CaribX (UK) Ltd, with a proposal to conduct offshore hydrocarbon exploration in TCI waters which the Ministry would be following up with the company

  • in response to a request by the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Gaming, received an up-date by the Hon. Attorney General on banking services on North Caicos.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 30 August 2018