Government response

The UK’s commitment to Darfur

International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone's comments following a meeting with the Chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority, Dr Tijani Sissi

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Following her meeting with the Chairman of the Darfur Regional Authority, Dr Tijani Sissi, International Development Minister Lynne Featherstone reaffirmed the UK’s commitment to Darfur:

“Ten years ago this month the world was waking up to the terrible suffering caused by a deepening conflict in Darfur. Much has changed for the better since then, but it is vital that the world does not forget about Darfur. Renewed fighting this year has already seen at least 100,000 people newly displaced. The scale of the humanitarian and development challenge remains immense. Darfuris are tired of conflict and deserve to see real improvements to their lives.

“That is why I welcomed the opportunity today to meet again with Dr Tijani Sissi and hear firsthand about his efforts to bring about the change that is so desperately needed by the people of Darfur.

“I have urged Dr Sissi, and through him the Government of Sudan, to step up their efforts to deliver a comprehensive, just and inclusive peace in Darfur that addresses the broader causes of conflict. I have asked them to ensure full access for the agencies seeking to improve the lives of Darfuris and to work closely with UNAMID, the joint UN-AU peacekeeping mission in Darfur, to address insecurity and ensure the protection of civilians.

“In turn, I reassured Dr Sissi that the UK will continue to stand alongside the people of Darfur in our backing for peaceful political solutions to the conflict and that we will continue our humanitarian and development support in the region.”

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Published 15 March 2013