World news story

TECH Summit comes to Chandigarh

A British agri-tech delegation will visit Chandigarh on 9 November under the aegis of India-UK TECH Summit, the biggest India-UK event of 2016.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Agri-tech delegation will visit Chandigarh

A British agri-tech delegation will visit Chandigarh on 9 November.

It comprises representatives of five of the UK’s leading companies and research institutions along with technical experts from the UK Department for International Trade (DIT).

The delegation will participate in a roundtable discussion on ‘Exploring UK-India collaborations in agri-tech’, hosted by the British Deputy High Commission Chandigarh. They will share their expertise in animal science, plant science and precision agriculture with government officials, private businesses and academia from the region, and discuss possible areas of collaboration.

British Deputy High Commissioner Chandigarh, David Lelliott said:

This delegation comes hot on the heels of the infrastructure delegation who visited in October. It is a part of a series of high level agri-tech engagements we have during the remainder of this year. The increasing interest we are seeing from UK companies, and the inclusion of Chandigarh in the TECH Summit outreach programme, reflect the growing importance of the Chandigarh region and the strength of the UK offer to India.

The delegation will further travel to Hyderabad after the roundtable.

Further information:

The delegation consists of representatives of the following UK companies and institutions:

  • James Hutton Ltd
  • Moredun Research Institute
  • Trantor International
  • School of Veterinary Medicine
  • University of Surrey
  • RJV Agribusiness Academy

They will be accompanied by:

  • Dr. Simon Doherty, Animal Science and Aquaculture Specialist, UK Government’s Agri-Tech Organisation
  • David Lelliott, British Deputy High Commissioner Chandigarh
  • Dipankar Chakraborty, Agri-Tech and Chemicals Sector Lead for India & Head of Trade for Northwest India.

Representatives of the media are cordially invited to attend the roundtable.

For media queries, please contact:

Alam Bains
Media Adviser
British Deputy High Commission Chandigarh
Ph: 9501925556

Mail to: Alam Bains

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Published 7 November 2016