World news story

Turks and Caicos Islands post Cabinet statement

Her Excellency the Acting Governor, Anya Williams, chaired the 20th Meeting of the Cabinet held at the N.J.S. Francis Building in Grand Turk on Thursday, July 7th, 2016.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All ministers were present.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • Received a presentation from the Electricity Commissioner on the recently completed report on Turks and Caicos Islands Electricity Reform Program. Cabinet noted the recommendations of the report and agreed to establish a reform program and timetable;

  • Noted the recommendations of the Procurement Board on the award of the following contracts in line with the Public Procurement Ordinance

Furniture and Equipment - Long Bay High School

Furniture and Equipment - H.J.R. High School;

  • Advised Her Excellency the Acting Governor to promulgate an amendment to the Immigration Regulations to:
  1. confirm that the fee for the grant of a multi-entry visitor’s visa is USD500.00 and to remove all references to a Business Visitor’s Visa as this concept is not known to TCI law.

  2. confirm that all administrative fees and fast track fees are non-refundable.

  3. prescribe fees for the grant of a Business Visitors Permit as follows:

i.​USD1,200.00 for up to 12 one week visits per year,

ii.​USD200.00 for each one week visit over 12 visits

iii.​USD150.00 administrative fee per application

  1. enable the charging by the Ministry of the sum of USD50.00 as a non-refundable fee for the search of a work permit or immigration document and providing a certificate of search in a form as he Board/the Department might stipulate;
  • Advised Her Excellency the Acting Governor to approve the reappointment of Mrs. Zaneta Burton as the CEO of the National Health Insurance Board for the period 2016-2018;

  • Approved a five year renewal of the lease agreement for the Waterloo Office Complex on Grand Turk which currently houses the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Planning, Attorney Generals Chambers, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Office of the Deputy Governor and Elections Office;

  • Granted approval for the change in zoning of parcel 61112/7 from Low Density Residential Development to Tourism Related Development; noting that same was conditional on the recommendations proposed by the Planning Department as set out in the Cabinet Paper;

  • Advised Her Excellency the Acting Governor to grant a license to Big Ambergis Cay Holdings Ltd over an area of seabed to enhance the Monk Beach, including the excavation of a swim area, re-nourishment of the adjacent beach and instillation of a groyne (to protect the beach created), subject to approval from the Planning Department;

  • Approved the tender of an area of seabed in response the application submitted by Big Ambergis Cay Holdings Ltd to reclaim an area of the seabed to create land for development;

  • Approved the tender of area of seabed in response the application submitted by Big Ambergis Cay Holdings Ltd for the establishment of overwater cottages.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 13 July 2016