World news story

TCI Post Cabinet Meeting Statement

His Excellency the Governor, Dr John Freeman, chaired the 3rd meeting of the Cabinet on Wednesday, 1 February 2017, at the N J S Francis Building on Grand Turk.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
TCI Cabinet Meeting

All Ministers were present except the Hon. Minister of Tourism, Environment, Heritage and Culture.

At this meeting Cabinet:

  • prioritised and allocated resources in the light of departmental spending requests against available resources for recurrent expenditure for the Financial Year 2017/18 and agreed to review capital bids against available resources for capital expenditure which would be re-submitted for approval by Cabinet

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve a pilot project for the possible establishment of a policy registry, policy template and policy development process to capture information on all existing national policies which would be publicly available and which would help improve future policy development. Cabinet would be consulted further following evaluation of the pilot

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to conditionally approve a planning application for outline development permission and change of zoning from low density residential to commercial development over Crown Land Parcels 60808/17 – 23 and 44 on Providenciales in accordance with the Physical Planning Ordinance 2014 for the development of an outdoor entertainment centre. Cabinet also noted the need for the urgent completion of a National Physical Development Plan

  • noted the procurement waivers granted for the quarter October - December 2016 in accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the Public Procurement Ordinance for the procurement of microphones for the House of Assembly and emergency repairs to the seawall on Ocean Drive

  • noted the Chief Internal Auditor’s interim report on the National Health Insurance Board, the findings of which are to be forwarded to management for appropriate responses, before the final report is submitted to Cabinet

  • advised His Excellency the Governor to approve the appointment of Mr John Smith as the interim CEO of the TCI Airports Authority with effect from 1 February 2017

  • discussed and called for a review of the process for appointments to the TCI statutory body boards.

Further information on these matters will be provided by Ministers in due course.

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Published 2 February 2017