News story

Swire announces additional funding for PSNI

NIO Minister of State Hugo Swire has announced that the Treasury has made available an additional £12.9m for the PSNI to deal with the security situation.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Under the terms of the agreement on resources reached before the devolution of justice and policing in April and published in the Hillsborough Castle Agreement, an additional £37.4m had already been made available in 2010/11. Today’s announcement therefore brings the total allocated to the PSNI under this arrangement to £50.3m for 2010/11.

Hugo Swire said,

While funding for the PSNI is, rightly, a matter for the devolved administration the Government is committed to ensuring it has the resources available to deal with the security situation. That is why access to the Reserve is available to meet any exceptional security pressures relating to policing and justice.

I am pleased to announce today that in response to a request by Secretary of State Owen Paterson the Treasury has agreed to an additional £12.9m being made available to the PSNI. This money will help the Chief Constable counter those determined to use violence to try to bring down the peace process.

It is for the Chief Constable to judge how PSNI resources and manpower are deployed. Among other things this money will enable the upgrading and extension of an Automatic Number Plate Reader (ANPR) system similar to those that exist elsewhere in the UK and in the Republic of Ireland.

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Published 30 June 2010