Press release

Statement on 10th annivesary of the end of conflict in Sri Lanka

Mark Field, Minister for Asia and the Pacific, has commented on the tenth anniversary of the end of long conflict in Sri Lanka

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Rt Hon Mark Field MP, Minister for Asia and the Pacific

Rt Hon Mark Field MP, Minister for Asia and the Pacific

Mark Field, Minister for Asia said:

On the 10th anniversary of the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka, we should take the opportunity to reflect and remember those from across all communities who lost their lives and suffered during the conflict. The UK is a long-standing friend of Sri Lanka and we will continue to support reconciliation and transitional justice in order to build a peaceful, prosperous and stable future.

We were all deeply shocked by the terror attacks on Easter Sunday, and I reiterate our deepest condolences to those affected, and our solidarity with the people of Sri Lanka. Now more than ever it is important to build on Sri Lanka’s diversity, its multi-ethnic and multi-religious society and traditions, to promote peaceful relations among all communities and faith groups, so that the whole of Sri Lanka can thrive and prosper.

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Published 18 May 2019