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Second "Innovation Reshaping Montenegro" Conference

Chevening forum on innovation brings together guests from the region and highlighted the prestigious scholarship scheme in Montenegro.

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Second "Innovation Reshaping Montenegro" Conference

Second "Innovation Reshaping Montenegro" Conference

The second Chevening forum on innovation titled “Digital innovation in public administration: Future of Montenegro” brought together guests from the Western Balkans region and highlighted the scholarship recipients of the prestigious Chevening programme, as well as a large number of young people from Montenegro to discuss new approaches in new spheres of their social life, with special focus on public administration.

The forum was aimed at all stakeholders involved in the process of public administration reforms in Montenegro, representatives of the government, local municipalities, NGOs, start-ups, students. The goal of this forum was to support enhancing digital innovations in Montenegro through finest British expertise and Chevening alumni examples, by encouraging digital innovation and reinforcing the principles of user-orientated digital services.

The event was organised by the UK Alumni Association in Montenegro (MAUK). MAUK is a non-governmental organisation whose members are Montenegrin professionals who have completed their studies in the UK.

Ms Alison Kemp, HM Ambassador, Mrs Suzana Pribilović, Minister of Public Administration of Montenegro and Miss Ferida Mandić, MAUK representative opened the Forum.

The keynote speech was delivered by Dominic Campbell, a digital government entrepreneur with a background in government policy and technology-led change.

The key panel discussion “Challenges and innovation within public sector reform - Western Balkans examples”, gathered Chevening alumni representatives from Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia who presented public administration reforms, digital innovations and e-services in their respective countries. British Council Montenegro Director, Mrs Vanja Madžgalj presented the work of the British Council in public administration reforms in country.

On the second day, MAUK led a workshop on how to go about designing public services for the digital age. Drawing on approaches to service design, organisation design and technology delivery, MAUK helped the participants to make change happen in their organisation - whether in government or not, drawing from Chevening alumni experiences.

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Published 21 November 2017