World news story

Public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania

Corruption in the judiciary is identified as number one obstacle to Albania's potential EU accession.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania

Public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania

The British ambassador, Mr. Nicholas Cannon took part in a public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania. The forum was organised by a group of high level experts of the ad hoc parliamentary committee on justice reform. Mr. Rainer Deville, Head of the Euralius mission gave an overview of the reform process and working group. Prof. Sokol sadushi, co-chair of the working group, spoke about the challenges and problems regarding the constitutional amendments, while prof. Aurela anastasi presented the main findings regarding the constitutional court. Speaking at the forum, ambassador Cannon underlined some of the reasons why the judicial reform is needed.

Mr. Cannon said:

Corruption in the judiciary makes it difficult to combat corrupt practices in other areas of governement or society. However, effective are investigations of policemen or prosecutors, their efforts cannot reach the appropriate conclusion if the courts themselves are dishonest. Corrupt and unpredictable judges make life difficult for foreign investors and local entrepreneurs, cutting off investments and job creation that the country desperately needs.

Public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania

Public consultation forum on the judicial reform in Albania

Ambassador Cannon then explained that corruption in the judiciary is identified as number one obstacle to Albania’s potential EU accession.

It is important that this reform is built upon the widest possible consensus of political opinion and institutional support. I therefore hope that the parties of the opposition will join their legal expertise to this process. It is important for Albania and Albania in Europe that this process goes well.

said Mr. Cannon.

The forum involved important discussions among the participants on the judicial reform.

Read the full speech.

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Published 26 June 2015