Press release

Press briefing: morning 3 March 2015

The Prime Minister's Official Spokesperson answered questions about Ukraine, Boris Nemtsov, North Sea Oil and child sexual abuse.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


When asked about the upcoming discussion between the Prime Minister and Presidents Obama, Hollande, and Tusk and Chancellor Merkel, and Prime Minister Renzi, the Prime Minister’s Official Spokesperson (PMOS) said that the focus would be on Ukraine, with discussions on ensuring the implementation of the Minsk agreements and how the international community could support President Poroshenko’s government.

Boris Nemtsov

When asked about Boris Nemtsov’s memorial, the PMOS confirmed that Sir John Major would be attending at the request of the Prime Minister.

North Sea

When asked about the government’s position regarding the purchase of North Sea Oil assets, the PMOS said that there was a specific legal procedure and the government had made clear its view.

Child sexual abuse in Oxfordshire

When asked about the Oxfordshire Serious Case Review, PMOS said that the PM had been clear that it was very important to have a process that shone a light on wrongdoing and that lessons were learnt.

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Published 4 March 2015