Press release

Press briefing: afternoon 4 March

The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on Patrick Rock, Ukraine, breast cancer and Alex Salmond.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Patrick Rock

Asked about the resignation of a former Number 10 policy advisor, the PMS said the allegations against Patrick Rock were being investigated. Number 10 had immediately informed the National Crime Agency on receipt of information regarding potential offences. It was not appropriate to provide information that could prejudice police investigations.

Asked about a separate complaint against Patrick Rock, the PMS said that correct guidelines for handling these matters had been followed. The issue was resolved with the consent of and in consultation with the complainant. The arrest of Mr Rock was in no way related to this separate complaint.


Asked about the situation in Ukraine, the PMS confirmed that intensive official level discussions were taking place across Whitehall and throughout the EU and G7.

Breast cancer campaign

Asked about The Sun newspaper’s campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer, the PMS said the PM supported all initiatives designed to increase awareness on public health issues.

Alex Salmond

Asked about Alex Salmond’s forthcoming speech that evening, the PMS said it was for Alex Salmond to answer questions on his interpretation of independence.

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Published 4 March 2014