News story

PM statement on attacks in Afghanistan yesterday

The Prime Minister expressed his "sadness" at the deaths of Australian, US and Canadian personnel in Afghanistan

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Mr Cameron said of the attacks in Afghanistan yesterday (Saturday 29 October):

I have spoken to Prime Minister Gillard and sent a message to President Obama and Prime Minister Harper to express my sadness and revulsion at the deaths of a number of Australian, US and Canadian service and civilian personnel in Afghanistan yesterday. The wounded and the families and friends of all those involved, including Afghan civilians, are in our thoughts.

High casualty attacks like these are a deliberate tactic to distract Afghans and the international community alike from the key work underway that most threatens the extremists. Britain and its allies will remain resolute in seeing through the job of building up Afghan forces, delivering security and finding a path to a stable, constitutional and inclusive political future. This is the best way to honour the sacrifice of those who died yesterday.

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Published 30 October 2011