Press release

PM call with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: 14 March 2018

Theresa May spoke to Justin Trudeau about the incident in Salisbury.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

“The Prime Minister spoke to Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada this evening to discuss the incident in Salisbury and the actions that the UK government is taking against Russia in response.

“Prime Minister May said the use of a military grade nerve agent on British soil was a reckless and shocking act.

“She thanked Prime Minister Trudeau for the strong message of support from Canada in recent days. He said that Canada would continue to stand squarely with the UK.

“They agreed on the importance of the international community showing solidarity at this time, and demonstrating a collective commitment to hold Russia to account for its unacceptable pattern of behaviour.”

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Published 14 March 2018