World news story

Peer to peer exchanges for British and Macedonian civil society

British Embassy supports programme launch for civil society exchanges with Centre for Institutional Development and Euclid Network.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Programme assistance activities.

Peer to peer exchange for civil society programme launched.

Euclid Network from the UK and the Center for Institutional Development (CIRa) with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje launched today the programme for peer to peer exchange for British and Macedonian civil society organisations.

Zoran Stojkoski President of CIRa, Eleanor Morgan from Euclid Network and our Charge D’Affaires Christine Winterburn launched the programme in Skopje.

In her addressing remarks Christine Winterburn underlined that civil society is crucial to democracy, social cohesion, development and sustainability. She also said that UK may not have all the answers, hence has broad experience which can help the Macedonian civil society sector, through programmes which can provide capacity building and set foundations for establishing lasting relations between the Macedonian and British organisations.

The project will create links between UK and Macedonian civil society organisations, with a focus on those working in human rights, policy making & advocacy, transparency & accountability and economic opportunities.

The peer to peer exchanges project will be implemented until March 2015 with the support of the British Embassy in Macedonia.

To find out more about the programme visit the website of CIRa or Euclid Network.

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Published 16 July 2014