Press release

Number 10 Press Briefing - Afternoon From 28 October 2010

From the Prime Minister's spokesperson on: Boris Johnson comments, FTSE 100 pay/bonuses, EU budget and child benefit reforms.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Boris Johnson comments

Asked whether the Prime Minister has telephoned Boris Johnson or asked someone to on his behalf and if so what was said. The Prime Minister’s Spokesman (PMS) said she was not aware of any particular calls but we don’t give a running commentary of calls between the Prime Minister, his office and others. PMS also made reference to official comment made earlier in the day on this matter.

Asked what the PM’s views were on the further clarification statement from Boris Johnson, PMS replied that Boris Johnson’s statements are a matter for him.

FTSE 100 Pay/Bonuses

Asked whether the PM was relaxed about FTSE 100 bosses giving themselves a 55% increase in pay and bonuses in the last year, PMS said that the PM’s view on bonuses had been made clear; it is important that banks lead the way with responsible bonuses and remuneration.

EU Budget

Asked whether it would be a ‘Vichy-style’ surrender if the PM doesn’t get a reduction in the EU budget, PMS said the 6% increase is entirely unacceptable. This is the start of a process and discussions are ongoing. PMS added that it is important we build alliances within the EU so that we can ensure that we don’t have a 6% increase in the EU budget.

Asked whether the PM thinks he is better able to make these alliances without being a member of the EPP, PMS said that the PM has had lots of conversations with various leaders and these would continue this evening.

Child Benefit Reforms

Asked whether the PM is concerned about reports that the child benefit reforms are in chaos and that women will be able to avoid missing out if they don’t declare their partners’ incomes, PMS stated that the changes will be implemented as the Government has set out.

Asked whether it was true that a change in the law was needed to ensure that everyone affected by the cut will have to fill in a tax return form, PMS said that this measure is enforceable, it will be introduced as planned and the legislation will be bought forward. 

Asked whether it was the Government’s policy that stay at home mums who don’t declare will be dragged through the courts, PMS echoed the Treasury position that it would take action against individuals in cases of non-disclosure for tax purposes.

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Published 28 October 2010