News story

Nick Herbert comments on today's protest march

Policing and Criminal Justice Minister, Nick Herbert comments on today's protest march in London.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Policing and Criminal Justice Minister Nick Herbert said ’The policing of the main rally shows how peaceful protest can be supported when the organisers work with the police.

‘It is testament to the British model of policing and I want to thank the Metropolitan Police Service for a professional operation.

‘Unfortunately a small minority of individuals were intent on disorder. I want to be absolutely clear that the blame for the violence lies squarely and solely with the perpetrators and to express my gratitude to those police officers who put themselves in harm’s way. 

‘This government has been clear that we are committed to supporting peaceful protest but we are equally clear that violence and destruction of property is completely unacceptable.’

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Published 26 March 2011