News story

National Data Guardian emphasises need for a public conversation

National Data Guardian for Health and Care has released a series of videos in which she speaks about the importance of public engagement.

image of figures having conversation

In the videos, the National Data Guardian (NDG), Dame Fiona Caldicott, speaks about her role and how health and care information can be used to improve health and care services and research new treatments and cures.

She also speaks about why she feels it is so important that there is a conversation with the public about how information about them is used and what choices they have in that.

Review of data security, consent and opt-outs

The National Data Guardian talks about how information can be used to improve care

The benefits of data being used

Dame Fiona Caldicott discusses why it is so important to listen to the public’s views about how their information is used.

A public conversation

Dame Fiona Caldicott explains her focus on public confidence and trust.

The role of the National Data Guardian

The National Data Guardian on how most people support their information being used to make improvements, but they want to be given a choice.

Giving citizens the choice

The videos are released to coincide with the publication of the NDG’s Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs. This makes recommendations to the Secretary of State for Health for strengthening the safeguards to keep health and care information secure and ensuring the public can make informed choices about how their data is used.

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Published 6 July 2016