News story

N999PX: Anniversary Statement

Loss of control and runway excursion during an attempted landing at London Stansted Airport, on 31 January 2022.

This statement provides an update on the ongoing AAIB investigation into an accident involving Challenger 604 aircraft, N999PX, which had a loss of control and runway excursion during an attempted landing at London Stansted Airport, on 31 January 2022.

After flying an ILS approach to Runway 23, with a strong crosswind, the aircraft was flared after which it floated above the runway at about 10 ft agl for several seconds. The aircraft then diverged off the runway and rolled left, as a result of which the left wing tip made contact with the grass. The stick pusher activated at some point causing the aircraft to bounce onto its nosewheel. A go-around was executed after which the crew elected to divert to London Gatwick Airport. There were no injuries, but the aircraft was severely damaged.

The investigation is nearly complete and the final report into the accident is expected to be published later this year.

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Published 31 January 2023