News story

Monitor intervenes to appoint Sir Hugh Taylor as interim Chair at The Christie

Health sector regulator Monitor has appointed Sir Hugh Taylor as interim Chair at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

The appointment of Sir Hugh, who is currently Chair of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, has been made on an interim basis following the current Chair’s announcement of his intention to resign following a board meeting at the trust on 24 February 2014.

The Christie, a specialist cancer hospital in Greater Manchester, was the subject of an investigation by Monitor after concerns were raised about how the trust was being run. The investigation found that the trust was in breach of its licence to provide NHS services.

Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, Monitor can require foundation trusts to make senior appointments if we consider that in the best interests of patients.

Stephen Hay, Managing Director of Provider Regulation at Monitor, said:

The Christie is going through some serious difficulties and our investigation has found concerns with the way the board was operating. Whilst we’ve no concerns about the care it provides, it is important to patients, taxpayers and staff that the trust be well-run.

Sir Hugh Taylor has a long and distinguished public service career and brings a wealth of experience. His insight and stewardship will be a huge asset to the trust and we look forward to working with him as he responds to the challenges ahead.

Sir Hugh Taylor was Permanent Secretary at the Department of Health, from which he retired in July 2010. Sir Hugh will work 5 days a week and continue to fulfil his commitments at Guy’s and St Thomas’ alongside his interim role at The Christie.

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Published 17 March 2014