MOD and SEPA agree Dalgety Bay plan
The MOD has been working with SEPA to develop the plan with a view to undertaking the work necessary to support the newly established Expert…

The MOD has been working with SEPA to develop the plan with a view to undertaking the work necessary to support the newly established Expert Group advising on the risks and inform the work to determine the scope of any remediation.
Andrew Robathan, Minister for Defence Personnel, Welfare and Veterans, said:
Working with SEPA, this represents a key milestone in understanding the situation at Dalgety Bay and presents the timetable for the investigation. I reaffirm our commitment to keeping the community informed.
He reiterated that MOD remained committed to assisting SEPA and challenged claims that MOD has sought to shirk its responsibilities stating that his department’s policy on matters of land contamination was very clear:
Where MOD is found to be a party responsible, namely, the Appropriate Person, in whole or part for contaminated land under the statutory regime, then we will work with the regulator and other responsible and interested parties such as landowners, to meet our portion of the liability and carry out voluntary remediation where appropriate.
The agreement comes after some three months of collaboration and consultation involving both SEPA and the Expert Group established to assist them with examining the level of risk to human health and the need for and scope of any further work including remediation.
The plan, prepared by MOD contaminated land specialists, will assist SEPA with their statutory inspection and sets out a staged investigation consistent with current best practice.
**To read the plan, see Related Links. **