Press release

Mobile Apps

HM Revenue and Customs is using applications ('apps') for smartphones and other mobile devices to help customers understand their tax and get things right.

Tax Calculator

HMRC mobile apps

HMRC Tax Calculator

The HMRC Tax calculator app allows people to work out how much tax they pay and how the Government spends it. The app was introduced in Spring 2012 and is periodically updated with new features.

The HMRC Tax Calculator can be downloaded for free from Apple’s App store or from Google Play. It is also available online (as a browser version).

HMRC Tax Calculator - iPhone version

HMRC Tax Calculator - Android version

HMRC Tax Calculator - online version

Simple record keeping applications

To help small businesses with record keeping on the go, the commercial software industry, following consultation with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), are producing simple record keeping mobile applications for businesses below the VAT threshold.

List of simple record-keeping mobile applications

Published 9 January 2013