News story

Minister for Africa offers congratulations on Sierra Leone elections

Harriett Baldwin, Minister for Africa, gave a statement following the swearing-in of new Sierra Leonean President Bio.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The Minister for Africa, Harriett Baldwin said:

On behalf of Her Majesty’s Government, I would like to congratulate President Julius Maada Bio and Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh of the Republic of Sierra Leone on their electoral success.

I also congratulate the people of Sierra Leone on this peaceful conclusion to a tightly contested election.

The National Electoral Commission and the other electoral management bodies have delivered a credible and transparent process, recognised as such by international and domestic observer missions.

I also pay tribute to former President Ernest Bai Koroma, who steered the country through the terrible Ebola epidemic from 2014 – 2016, for his commitment to a peaceful transition.

The UK now looks forward to developing further the relationship between our countries and working with the new President and his administration to support a bright future for Sierra Leone. I also look forward to welcoming them to the upcoming Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

Further information

  • Follow Foreign Office and Department for International Development Minister Harriett Baldwin on Twitter @hbaldwin

  • Follow the Foreign Office on Twitter @foreignoffice and Facebook

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Published 5 April 2018