News story

Love for Lydia report published

Fatal carbon monoxide poisoning on board motor cruiser Love for Lydia on Wroxham Broad, England

Love for Lydia

Love for Lydia

Our accident investigation report into the carbon monoxide poisoning on board the motor cruiser Love for Lydia on Wroxham Broad, England between 7 and 9 June 2016 resulting in two fatalities, is now published.

MAIB statement:

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch has investigated four accidents in four years where seven people have tragically died as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning on boats.

Carbon monoxide is a silent killer and there are many sources of it on boats, including engines, cookers, heaters and even barbecues.

Today, we have made safety recommendations to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, British Marine and the Boat Safety Scheme to increase awareness of the dangers and promote the fitting of carbon monoxide alarms.

For boaters, the message is clear: fit an alarm.

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Published 11 May 2017