Press release

London hosts third UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue

FCO Minister welcomes Vietnam’s Deputy Foreign Minister Son to the UK for high level talks.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue meeting in London, 22 October 2013.

UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue meeting in London, 22 October 2013.

Speaking at the conclusion of today’s UK-Vietnam Strategic Dialogue in London, FCO Minister of State, the Rt. Hon Hugo Swire MP, said:

I am very pleased to have hosted the third annual talks about our Strategic Partnership Agreement with Vietnam, one of our key partners in Asia. This year is particularly significant as it is the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries and is symbolic of the warmth these relations still enjoy.

Deputy Foreign Minister Son and I have discussed a wide variety of subjects, ranging from global issues like climate change, migration and organised crime to bilateral issues such as trade and investment and our defence relationship. All of these highlight the depth and strength of our relationship. We are committed to working together to build on this to further enhance the relationship and to address the big issues we face within the international community.

At the end of the Strategic Dialogue the UK and Vietnam issued a communiqué which set out the discussions and plans for the future.

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Published 22 October 2013