Press release

“It is our duty to ensure the memory of the Holocaust never fades”

Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb pays tribute to those affected by genocide past and present on Holocaust Memorial Day

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Secretary of State for Wales Stephen Crabb has today paid tribute to those who died in the Holocaust, and to the survivors working tirelessly to share their stories of courage with future generations.

Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) is a national event dedicated to the remembrance of the victims of genocide and to the honour of the survivors of hatred regimes worldwide. The theme for the 2016 commemoration is ‘Don’t Stand By’.

Stephen Crabb yesterday signed the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Book of Commitment in Parliament.

He said:

Holocaust Memorial Day gives us not only the opportunity to learn about the horrific event that shaped our history – but to learn from it .

This year’s message, ‘Don’t Stand By’ is one we must all take to heart - and act upon. We must confront the dangers of discrimination and extremism in all its forms and never stand aside when we encounter prejudice and hatred.

While there are millions of stories of loss and suffering from genocides around the world, there are also great stories of personal courage and sacrifice. It is our duty to ensure that the brutal truths of these events are never dimmed, and that the legacy of some of the darkest chapters of our history never fades.

The Holocaust Educational Trust works with schools, colleges and communities across the UK to educate about the Holocaust and its contemporary relevance.

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Published 27 January 2016