World news story

Inauguration of refurbished Winston Churchill roundabout in Quito

The Ambassador Patrick Mullee and the Mayor of Quito, Mauricio Rodas, participated in the inauguration of the refurbished Winston Churchill statue on Thursday 3rd September.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Mayor Mauricio Rodas and Ambassador Patrick Mullee

Mayor Mauricio Rodas and Ambassador Patrick Mullee

The Ambassador Patrick Mullee and the Mayor of Quito, Mauricio Rodas, participated in the inauguration of the refurbished Winston Churchill statue on Thursday 3rd September. The works were carried out thanks to the Municipal Company of Mobility and Public Works (EPMMOP) in Quito and the sponsorship of the company, Agripac, represented by its vice-president, Nicholas Armstrong. Various members of the British community also attended.

In February 2016 it will be the 35th anniversary since the erection of the Churchill statue in Avenida González Suárez, which has become an icon of the city. The statue of this distinguished figure in British history represents the great friendship between Ecuador and Great Britain. The refurbishment of the roundabout takes place in a month of great historical importance, with the 70th anniversary of the Second World War (2nd September 1945), during which Churchill played a fundamental role.

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Published 3 September 2015