News story

HRH The Prince of Wales attends the 2012 Built Heritage Conference

The conference was organised by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) in partnership with Armagh City and District Council and The Prince's Regeneration Trust.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

On the final engagement of the two day visit, HRH the Prince of Wales attended the 2012 Built Heritage Conference in the Armagh Planetarium. Upon arrival HRH was greeted by the Lord-Lieutenant of County Armagh, The Rt Hon The Earl of Caledon.

The Conference was organised by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) in partnership with Armagh City and District Council and The Prince’s Regeneration Trust. The theme of the Conference was “Opening Doors to the Future” and explored the link between regenerating Northern Ireland’s historic built-environment and social and community development. NIEA has also been running a schools’ competition and the winners were presented with their prizes at the event.

In the reception lobby HRH heard an overview of the morning’s Conference session from John McMillen, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and viewed the trophies for the Built Heritage Schools’ Competition.

HRH went on to meet the following Craftsmen:- Kenny Shilliday, demonstrating cut stonework, Kieran Loughran and George Irwin repairing a sash window, and Blacksmith Christopher Balmer who manufactured the trophies for the Built Heritage Schools’ Competition.

Moving to the Cafeteria area HRH met a number of school children including the Competition prize-winners.

Later in the Main Hall HRH addressed the Conference and Christopher Balmer presented HRH with a gift of a “boot scraper” which he designed and manufactured.

Notes to Editors

Upon arrival HRH was greeted by the Lord-Lieutenant of County Armagh, The Rt Hon The Earl of Caledon, and went on to meet:-

Mr John McMillen, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Environment Agency

Dr Tom Mason, Director, Armagh Planetarium

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Published 27 April 2012