News story

Historic Signing Marks Victory for 15 (North East) Brigade

The UK’s largest regional brigade is the first to sign up every local authority in its area to the new Armed Forces Community Covenant.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Signing ceremony

Squadron Leader Phil Todd RAF, SO2 Recruiting North. Commander David Pickthall RN Chief of Staff Naval Regional Command Northern England. David Fullen representing Burnslai Homes. Commander 15 North East Brigade Brigadier Greville Bibby and Aubrey Martin Wells Chairman of the Barnsley region Royal British Legion. Crown copyright. Corporal G. Moreno, RLC.

15 (North East) Brigade joined Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council and its partners for the grand finale this week at the historic signing – just a week after thousands of people lined the town’s streets to welcome home the Light Dragoons from their tour in Afghanistan.

Signing the covenant

Signing of the Armed Forces Covenant in Barnsley town hall. The last of the covenants to be signed in 15 Brigade (N&E) area. Crown copyright. Corporal G. Moreno.

Brigadier Greville Bibby, Commander of 15 (North East) Brigade, added his signature to that of Barnsley council leader Stephen Houghton; Commander David Pickthall, Chief of Staff, Naval Regional Commander for Northern England, and RAF Squadron Leader Phil Todd, of Recruiting North.

Signing ceremony

Following the signing ceremony in the town hall’s council chamber, Brig Bibby, said:

The signing of an Armed Forces Community Covenant by the people of Barnsley is the final ceremony that sees all local authorities in my brigade area – representing a population of 7.8 million – pledge their support for their Armed Forces’ communities.

Brigadier Greville Bibby.

Commander 15 North East Brigade Brigadier Greville Bibby CBE singing the Armed Forces Covenant in Barnsley town hall. Crown copyright. Corporal G. Moreno.

This achievement, along with the recent signing of the North East Armed Forces Community Charter by the Association of North East Councils, means that the people of Yorkshire, the Humber and the North East are leading the way with their support for the Armed Forces Community.

Forces friendly

Brig Bibby added:

Barnsley has always been a Forces-friendly town, with the local community supporting military personnel both past and present.

The covenant will help cement that support at a local level and ensure that our Armed Forces, veterans and their families have the assistance they need and are treated with the dignity they deserve.

Cllr Steve Houghton, Barnsley council leader, said:

Barnsley is delighted to add its signature to those of a growing number of local authorities across the county. The people of Barnsley have always been extremely grateful and proud of those men and women working in the Armed Forces.

Our signing of the Armed Forces Community Covenant is an opportunity for us to recognise, formally, our ongoing commitment to support those involved with and leaving the Forces.

The Armed Forces Community Covenant was drawn up in May 2011. It is aimed at building closer ties between military families and the local community within the 11 regional brigades that span the UK.

Since then just over half of the 430 local authorities that are eligible to sign have made that commitment, with 15 (North East) Brigade – the largest regional brigade in the UK - being the first to get all local authorities within its area to sign up.

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Published 30 December 2012