News story

Grants of up to £500 still available for childcare businesses

Apply now and join thousands who've already benefited

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Grants for childcare businesses

Grants for childcare businesses

Cash grants worth up to £500 are still being offered to people across England wanting to start childcare business, Women and Equalities Minister Maria Miller announced today.

The scheme is aimed at helping over 6,000 new childcare businesses in England with set up, training and adapting premises costs. The scheme is also focussed on making sure there is more childcare available for women wanting to go back to work.

Maria Miller said:

“ Thousands of people have already applied for a grant, but I want even more people to benefit. The Government is determined to help people who want to get on and realise their ambitions so I would urge anyone who is interested to apply as soon as possible to ensure they don’t miss out.”

Mentoring help

New childcare businesses are also being encouraged to team up with a free mentor so they can access free and specially-tailored start-up advice.

Becky Padley received a cash grant in October 2013 and is now running her own child minding business in Sheffield. She said:

“ Without the help of the grant, setting up my business wouldn’t have been possible. I used the cash to join the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years, join the national childcare register, pay for my Disclosure and Barring Service checks and also do some advertising. Without this money I wouldn’t have been able to afford to do any of that.”

Find out how to apply for a grant.

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Published 15 January 2014