News story

Foreign Secretary answers questions about Afghanistan via twitter

The Foreign Secretary answers questions about the Kabul International Conference and the region during his visit to Afghanistan.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Twitter users were invited by the Foreign Secretary to send in their questions using the hashtag #FSinKabul.

Read what Mr Hague was asked and answered below:

The conference has gone well and I will now answer some of your questions

OpEd_Letter Q: How can we empower the farming of productive crops making it more viable than poppy seeds?

  • @OpEd_Letter Enforce the law, give aid, encourage alternative livelihoods and provide secure access to markets.

DarklightDave Q: what’s the food like?

  • @DarklightDave Very good. Had a very nice lunch with Governor Nuristani of Herat yesterday.

Harry_Kelly Q: Can you make any claim of progress for Afghanistan as a whole or regional security after nearly 9 yrs of war?

  • @Harry_Kelly We have kept Al Qaida out, and 80 countries are helping build a better Afghanistan.

raffpantucci Q: Sir - are you talking to China about Afgh and what are you asking them to do?

  • @raffpantucci Yes. They can help - including with aid and trade - and they do help.

johnmcternan Q: What conditions are required on the ground in Afghanistan before British troops can leave?

  • @johnmcternan Afghan forces must, as planned, be able to stand alone against the insurgency.

wbethan: Q how can we be sure that women’s rights will be protected if negotiations with the Taliban proceed?

  • @wbethan Reconciliation must be Afghan led. President Karzai has set out the conditions.

peterrflynn Q: what accounting is in place to ensure that UK development aid isn’t mis-used & goes to the people needing it?

  • @peterrflynn It goes on a reimbursement basis: we only pay once it is spent properly.

madomasi Q: How will the Afghan Govt ensure rights of religious minorities in context of peace negotiations with the Taliban?

  • @madomasi There must be Afghan led reconciliation. President Karzai has set out the conditions.

rosmahar Q: Don’t you think 4 yrs is still a long way to bring the forces back home? How many lives will be lost? Too many lost already

  • @rosmahar Every death is a tragedy. Our forces do an amazing job and deserve all our support.

jonnytench Q:most Afghans rely on agriculture for a living, how will UK increase+improve aid to support people’s livelihoods?

  • @jonnytench We have increased aid by 40%

jonnytench Q: how are you making sure women’s rights are at the heart of policy-making in Afghanistan

  • @ jonnytench It is important the Afghan constitution is respected and followed.

brindusaf Q: How did Western interests in Afghanistan change since the discovery of the country’s vast mineral riches

  • @brindusaf We are here for our national security, not for other reasons.

kwikcars Q: why aren’t you pressing Pakistan Government 2 extend their military operation to North Waziristan

  • @kwikcars Afghanistan’s neighbours all have an important role in securing its stable future.

LeapfrogMark Q: Are there actually more insurgents in Afghanistan now than there were before the allied invasion?

  • @LeapfrogMark Before 2001, Taliban ran Afghanistan and let Al Qaida train and plot. Now we are making progress against them.

GMSheratonRUH Q: Big hello to my friend Sir William Patey. Question - #Afghanistan in 10yrs time… your vision?

  • @GMSheratonRUH Stable country, in charge of its own affairs, & not a threat to us or the wider world. Sir William sends his best.

ianrlowe Q: Why are we giving aid to Afghanistan when they treat women so badly? they seem no better than the Taliban.

  • @ianrlowe Afghans who lived under the Taliban would disagree.

JacksonTar Q: Why is our war on Afghanistan a war on terror when our attacks have been from home grown terrorists?

  • @JacksonTar Afghanistan was Al Qaida’s base. It must not become it again.

marcam777 Q: y hav we told everyone when we’re leaving? it’l giv tal time2gear up for redeploy & increase terror. just do it

  • @marcam777 Afghans have committed to take responsibility for security themselves by the end of 2014.

JacksonTar: Q: how can you guarantee the Taliban will not move back in after ISAF have left Afghanistan?

  • @JacksonTar Afghan forces should be able to stand by themselves to secure the country

Thanks for your questions.

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Published 20 July 2010