News story

Ferrybridge multifuel 2 power station

New multifuel power station approved in West Yorkshire.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Multifuel Energy Limited has today been given consent to construct the Ferrybridge Multifuel 2 Power Station at Knottingley, West Yorkshire.

Energy Minister Lord Bourne approved the development, which during construction will bring around 500 jobs to the area, with around 35 permanent positions once operational.

The power station will be capable of producing up to 90MWe of electricity, by burning fuel derived from refuse and industrial and commercial waste, such as wood, which would have originally ended up in landfill.

Energy Minister Lord Bourne said:

“This exciting project that will turn waste into energy is a great example of how innovation can help to power our homes and add to our energy mix

“This project will offer secure energy to Britain’s hardworking families and businesses, creating jobs and financial security for working people and boosting the Northern Powerhouse”.

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Published 28 October 2015