Press release

FCO Minister calls for end to violence in Burundi

James Duddridge, Minister for Africa, has called for all sides to show restraint and find a peaceful way forward in Burundi.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Commenting on the current situation, James Duddridge, said:

The UK calls on all parties to bring an end to the violence in Burundi, to exercise calm and restraint and come together to find a peaceful way forward. I believe that the Arusha Agreement and its principles of inclusion, dialogue and peace should act as a guide for Burundi’s future. I support the mediation efforts of the African Union, the East African Community and the United Nations, and urge regional governments to help bring about stability and democracy in Burundi.

The UK continues to support the holding of inclusive, peaceful and credible elections in Burundi. I urge all leaders to work together to bring about the conditions that will enable this to happen. It is vital that the democratic rights of the Burundian people are restored as soon as possible. The eyes of the world are now on Burundi. Any individuals and groups responsible for acts of political violence and repression should know they will be held accountable for their actions.

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Published 14 May 2015