World news story

Counter Proliferation Programme bidding round for 2014-15 is now open

Counter-Proliferation is one of the UK Government’s top international priorities.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


Counter-Proliferation is one of the UK Government’s top international priorities. It is at the heart of one of the Foreign Secretary’s three priorities for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO): safeguarding Britain’s national security.

Bidding Round

The Counter Proliferation Programme is now opening a bidding round to invite proposals for project initiatives in Russia, which support three strategic priorities for Counter Proliferation (CP) work: 1.1 Denying access to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials and expertise by non-state actors;

1.2 Preventing acquisition by states of capabilities (both WMD and conventional military capabilities) which would threaten stability and UK vital interests;

1.3 Supporting, strengthening and extending the ruled-based international system of counter proliferation treaties, regimes and organisations that underpins global security and prosperity.

We are looking for high-quality proposals which are clearly linked to one or more of these objectives and closely aligned to the Programme Strategy.

In order to be eligible, an organisation or an agency must be a non-profit legal entity or a registered non-governmental organisation.

Projects must have a clear purpose supported by achievable and measurable outcomes. Please keep proposals as concise as possible and present the purpose of the project as the benefit which you expect to result from the project activities (maximum one sentence).

Please note that funding for the CP Programme strand is only assured for the next financial year (2014-15). The applicants should ensure that their proposal includes a clear point of exit in March 2015, with outcomes which will have been delivered by that date.

Applicants are requested to fill in concept form in English and send it electronically to the British Embassy in Moscow at, indicating ‘SPF Counter-Proliferation Bid’ in the subject field. The closing date for concepts is 09:00 (Moscow time), Tuesday, 07 January 2014.

The applicants, whose concepts have been successful, will be notified and invited to submit full bids using the bidding form. The project costs must give the equivalent value in Pounds sterling. The deadline for submitting full project proposals will be 09:00 (Moscow time), Friday, 7 February 2014.

Please note that the bidding is competitive and only selected projects will receive funding. The Embassy reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the grounds of such acceptance or rejection. Due to the volume of bids expected we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

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Published 20 December 2013