World news story

Diplomatic community remembers those who gave their lives for their country

Philip Barton CMG OBE, the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, today hosted a ceremony to observe Remembrance Day 2015.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Remembrance day

Lieutenant General Imran Majeed, Surgeon General of Pakistan, and Director General Medical Services for all of Pakistan’s Armed Services attended the ceremony.

The Remembrance Day service included a two minute silence, which took place at 11am on 11 November to mark the end of World War One. This was followed by the laying of wreaths by members of the diplomatic community and armed services, to remember all those who died fighting for their countries.

The ceremony was officiated by the Bishop of Lahore, The Right Reverend Irfan Jamil with Hafiz Iftikhar Ahmed. Havildar Mehboob and the buglers of the Frontier Force Regiment provided the music.

In his remarks, the British High Commissioner also paid tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in operation Zarb-e-Azb in Pakistan.

During the Remembrance Day Service, Philip Barton, the British High Commissioner, said:

Recently, I visited the home of the Pakistan Army Regiment – the Punjab Regiment - in which my grandfather served throughout his long career in British India. I laid a wreath for the Pakistani Soldiers who have been killed on recent operations to secure their country from terror, as well as wreaths at the graves of two British Victoria Cross winners from conflicts of the past.

It is always hard to stand at the graves of young men cut down in their prime. It is right that we should remember them.

As legitimate bearers of arms, service men and women around the world have forged friendships and camaraderie that are based on the shared ideal of a common good. What marks them out from other public servants is an understanding that the pursuit of this ideal may require the ultimate sacrifice. This brotherhood of soldiers, sailors and airmen crosses divisions between nations and is often strengthened by the shared burden of danger.

The reason so many countries are in this brotherhood of arms is because we are, at root, often dedicated towards similar ends - those of peace and stability. That is what is behind the tremendous efforts and sacrifices of Pakistan’s Armed Forces on operations such as Zarb-e Azb.

Shortly, we shall be laying our own wreaths, country by country, and reflecting on this service and sacrifice. As we do so, let us remember all those brave members of the military around the world in harms’ way today, as well as all those who have fallen before them.

Contact: Press Attaché, British High Commission, Islamabad; tel. 0300 500 5306

Notes to editors

In March this year, the British High Commissioner unveiled a memorial plaque at the British High Commission in honour of Khudadad Khan, the first South Asian and Muslim recipient of Britain’s highest military award, the Victoria Cross. Khudadad Khan was recognised for his actions during the First World War on 31 October 1914 at Hollebeke, Belgium. For further detail visit here

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Published 11 November 2015