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DFID research: Call for Funding: Research Proposals Required on Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries

IZA/DFID Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Programme (GLM-LIC), has opened second phase of call for research proposals.

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The IZA/DFID Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Programme (GLM-LIC), a joint project from the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) and DFID, has just opened the second phase of their call for research proposals.

To date, existing research on labour markets and economic growth has mainly focused on more advanced economies - developed and middle-income countries - with limited research in low-income countries (LICs). Research on labour markets in developed and middle-income countries is not necessarily applicable to LICs for various reasons, including the differing stages in economic development, the particular structure of the economies, and the importance and size of the informal sector.

More research is therefore needed to identify appropriate theoretical frameworks, factors, institutions and policies that facilitate labour market outcomes in LICs and also help identify country characteristics that determine the effectiveness of alternative policies. GLM-LIC is working to fulfil this need by funding research projects and through uptake and capacity-building activities.

This GLM-LIC Phase II Call for Proposals includes five research areas:

  1. Growth and labour market outcomes
  2. Active labour markets policies
  3. Labour market institutions
  4. Migration
  5. Gender

Promising research projects will be selected for funding with the overall objective of delivering a significant new body of evidence on growth and labour markets that will help shape policies in LICs. The programme aims at including theoretical work as well as applied macro- and microeconomic studies. Though the focus will be on quantitative research, qualitative research and case studies, or combinations of those, are eligible for funding as well. 

Besides high-quality research, research uptake and capacity building are important components of the programme. Applications for research projects therefore have to specify an impact plan, including early engagement of policy makers and other stakeholders in the design and implementation phases of the project. Capacity building through involvement of LIC-based researchers is also strongly encouraged.

The GLM- LIC programme has a total budget of €10.07 million (£8.9 million) to be allocated to research. It is foreseen that up to 30 grants will be awarded for research projects of various sizes of institutions around the globe, with a substantial proportion of funds routed to research activities and capacity building in LICs. All research is to be completed before the end of 2015.

Deadline for applications is November 28, 2012, 16.00 CET. Full call specifications can be found on the GLM-LIC website under GLM Materials.

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Published 17 July 2012