Damian Green takes questions on immigration
Want to put a question to Damian Green about immigration system reform? Now’s your chance.

Immigration minister, Damian Green, has announced that a limit on the amount of workers coming here from outside the EU comes into force today.
Employers will only be able to bring 20,700 people from outside the EU to work in skilled professions.
A further 1,000 visas will also be made available to people of ‘exceptional talent’.
Meanwhile, restrictions have also been put on the number of foreign students able to study in the UK.
These are big changes, and are part of reforms across the immigration system.
What’s on your mind?
Immigration is a hot topic so you’re likely to have thoughts and questions. We’re offering you a unique opportunity to put your questions about new rules for workers directly to Damian.
Send your questions to us by 20 April, either by email to asktheminister@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk or via Twitter using @ukhomeoffice and the hashtag #askdamiangreen.
We’ll post a film of Damian’s answers on our website and our Youtube channel after the closing date on 20 April.
To the point
This is designed to be a quick fire Q and A, lasting no more than a few minutes - so keep your questions short, and to-the-point and we’ll be more likely to be able to use them.
Damian will try to answer as many questions as possible and cover a range of issues, but we can’t guarantee that all questions will be answered.
We may edit your question for length, but we will always try to maintain the substance of your query.
Make sure your questions are:
- on topic
- clear
- brief and to the point
- not party political - as a government website we are governed by propriety rules
- relevant to the minister’s portfolio
- do not concern individual cases
Depending on the nature of the question, you may prefer one of the other ways of contacting the Home Office.