News story

Crime news: Claim for Crown Court Defence ends CCLF access need

Online service provided by Claim for Crown Court Defence (CCD) means access to Crown Court Litigator Fees (CCLF) will end in February 2018.

Rollout of CCD has taken away our need for the CCLF litigator system and provider access will be withdrawn on 5 February 2018.

Providers are now able to submit Crown Court claims online through CCD for work under the:

  • Advocate Graduated Fee Scheme (AGFS)
  • Litigator Graduated Fee Scheme (LGFS)

Why are we doing this?

Using CCD to submit graduated fee scheme claims was made mandatory on 31 October 2017.

It means we can eliminate the confusion caused by having multiple billing systems.

Benefits include:

  • submission of both bills and evidence for AGFS and LGFS directly to LAA online
  • immediate bill submission – avoiding postal delays
  • reduced postage and printing costs
  • online messaging and instant status notifications from processing teams
  • no need for a ‘wet’ signature

We are now looking at a way of introducing fee calculations as part of the service.

In the meantime, there are fee calculators provided on GOV.UK for you to use.

Further information

Graduated fee calculators

Updates to this page

Published 16 November 2017