News story

Civil/crime news: provider opportunity to become peer reviewers

Applications welcome from 4 July 2022 for suitably qualified legal aid practitioners to become independent peer reviewers.

Businesswoman holding 'quality control' sign

We are looking for qualified legal aid professionals who wish to become contracted peer reviewers for the Legal Aid Agency.

Contracts are being awarded in the following categories:

  • crime

  • family

  • housing

  • immigration and asylum

  • mental health

Anyone currently delivering peer review services who wishes to continue doing this work from 1 October 2022 must also apply.


  • application window opens 4 July 2022

  • deadline for submitting application is 11.59pm on 31 July 2022

What is peer review?

Peer reviewers independently assess random samples of provider case files using guidance developed in consultation with the Law Society, law centres and not-for-profit advice agencies. This guidance is available on our GOV.UK legal aid pages

Once assessments are completed, a report is produced, which sets out positive findings, areas for improvement and the overall quality rating.

This work is important for our auditing and assurance processes.

How much will I be paid?

Peer reviewers are paid an hourly rate of £53.57.

How long do contracts last?

Successful applicants will begin training to become a peer reviewer from September 2022. The contract will be for a period of 2 years, with an option to extend for 2 additional years.

Where can I find out more?

Detailed information on the application process and minimum requirements is available on GOV.UK.

Further information

Apply to be a peer reviewer – to find out more and download application forms

Legal Aid Agency audits – for guidance on the independent peer review process

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Published 4 July 2022