World news story

Chevening alumni in India discuss sustainable development

The event also marked the launch of the Chevening Alumni India Association a registered, non-profit society.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Launch of the Chevening Alumni India Association

On the eve of World Environment Day, leading Chevening alumni in the energy and environment sector gathered at the British High Commissioner’s residence to discuss environment enabling economic growth. The event also marked the launch of the Chevening Alumni India Association a registered, non-profit society. It is an association for alumni, by alumni, and promises to provide a platform to all 2200 + Chevening alumni in India to come together and co-create a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to shape a better future for the coming generations.

Panellists discussed the challenges of balancing growth and environmental protection, looking specifically at climate change, clean energy, environmental health, water and biodiversity. They also considered solutions for sustainable development that could be taken forward by participants in their own communities, from raising awareness to supporting policy implementation.

British High Commissioner to India Sir Dominic Asquith, KCMG, said:

It was my pleasure to open a debate looking at ways by which the world can develop sustainably. The UK and India have a strong partnership on tackling climate change and promoting sustainable development. The ideas discussed today demonstrate that it is possible to achieve economic growth and preserve our environment at the same time. I look forward to collaboration with Chevening scholars on developing these ideas, not least via the new Chevening Alumni Association.

CEO of NITI Aayog Mr. Amitabh Kant was a keynote speaker at the event.

Chevening is the UK government’s flagship international awards scheme aimed at future leaders and decision-makers. Alumni from think-tanks, business, the public sector and the media participated in the event. The launch of Chevening Alumni India Association will create an environment for closer links between alumni in India and help broaden debate on important issues between India and the UK.

Further information

  • Chevening, UK government’s global awards scheme began in 1983 and is offered in over 160 countries with over 1500 awards on offer annually. India hosts the largest Chevening programme in the world. There are 130 fellowships and scholarships available for 2016-17. These include one year Master’s scholarships as well as thematic short term fellowships in Cyber Security, Journalism, Science and Innovation, and Leadership and Management. A new fellowship programme on Financial Services will start early next year.

  • Chevening offers a unique opportunity for future leaders, influencers, and decision-makers from all over the world to develop professionally and academically, network extensively, experience UK culture, and build lasting positive relationships with the UK. There are over 44,000 Chevening alumni in the world and over 2200 in India. This is a network that has grown over 32 years that includes prominent and influential leaders spanning all sectors and in all corners of the globe. It is a network of rich and talented former scholars and fellows. Their successes and areas of expertise cover a wealth of professional sectors including politics, business, the media, civil society, science and technology, and academia.

For media queries, please contact:

Stuart Adam, Head,
Press and Communications
British High Commission, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi 110021
Tel: 24192100; Fax: 24192411,

Mail to: Mohammed Kazim Rizvi

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Published 6 June 2016