Press release

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to France: Menna Rawlings

Mrs Menna Rawlings CMG has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to France in succession to The Rt Hon the Lord Llewellyn of Steep OBE.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Mrs Menna Rawlings CMG has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the French Republic in succession to The Rt Hon the Lord Llewellyn of Steep OBE who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mrs Rawlings will take up her appointment during Summer 2021.

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Menna Rawlings

Year Role
2019 to 2020 FCO, Director General, Economic and Global Issues
2015 to 2019 Canberra, British High Commissioner
2011 to 2014 FCO, Director, Human Resources
2008 to 2011 Washington, Counsellor (Corporate Services USA) and HM Consul General
2005 to 2008 Accra, Deputy High Commissioner and Head of Political Section (also accredited to Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Burkina Faso and Niger)
2005 FCO, Africa Directorate (G8/Africa)
2004 Pre-posting training (including French language training)
2002 to 2004 FCO, Private Secretary to the Permanent Under Secretary
1998 to 2002 Tel Aviv, Head of Political Section
1998 Pre-posting training (including Hebrew language training)
1996 to 1998 FCO, Press Officer
1993 to 1996 Nairobi, Second Secretary (Political/Economic)
1991 to 1993 Brussels, Third later Second Secretary (Institutions) UK Permanent Representation to the EU
1990 to 1991 Brussels, European Commission, Stagiaire
1989 to 1990 FCO, European Community Department (Internal)
1989 Joined FCO

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Published 29 April 2021