World news story

Call for proposals for the UK Government’s Conflict, Stability and Security Fund

The UK Government is accepting project proposals that aim to empower young Israeli leaders to engage positively with Israeli society on the two state solution.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The UK Government is accepting proposals for a project under its Conflict, Stability and Security Fund that aims to empower young Israeli leaders with the skills and motivation to engage positively with Israeli society on the two state solution.

Your project proposal should be based on the following:

  • project objective: Support for and political prospects of achieving the two state solution are improved
  • project outcome: Israeli change makers/future leaders from across society engage meaningfully with Israeli society on resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, increasing stakeholder support for a two state solution


The funding period is 1 September 2020 to 31 March 2022.

The project will be managed under an Accountable Grant Agreement. Projects in this framework are not allowed to generate a profit for the delivery partner. Proposals from for-profit organisations can only be considered if an officially registered non-profit making arm or division of the for-profit organisation will deliver the project.

The successful bidder must be willing to engage closely with the British Embassy in Israel and our independent project evaluators. It must commit to deliver a project in line with HMG policy. This will include close cooperation during the inception and recruitment period.

We encourage project participants to represent a cross section of society, which is not limited to emerging leaders in the political or peacebuilding spheres. However, all participants must be personally supportive of a two state solution at the start of the project. Bidders must demonstrate that they have an existing, diverse network in place to identify relevant participants.

The project must be able to demonstrate how it will adapt to the likelihood of continued COVID-19 related disruption to project delivery.

Bidding process

Proposals should be sent to by 13 August 2020. In the email subject line and file names, please indicate the name of the bidder.

Bidders should fill in the standard Project Proposal Form Project Proposal Form (ODT, 58.3 KB), and include a breakdown of project costs in the ABB - Activity Based Budget Template Activity Based Budget Template (ODS, 10.5 KB). Please use the templates attached. We will not consider proposals submitted in other formats. Budgets must be Activity Based Budgets (ABB), all costs should be listed in GBP (not ILS).

The British Embassy Tel Aviv reserves the right to carry out due diligence of potential grantees as part of the selection process. Due to the volume of bids expected we will not be able to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.


The maximum funding for the project is up to GBP 85,000 in year 1 (September 2020-March 2021) and GBP 170,000 in year 2 (April 2021-March 2022). This may be in addition to co-funding and self-funding contributions.

Administrative costs must not exceed 10% of the total project budget.

Evaluation criteria

Successful bids must demonstrate strong strategic relevance to the project outcome and objective, and have a clear focus on delivering change and sustainability.

Proposals will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • strategic fit to project objective – the extent to which the proposal addresses the issues
  • quality of project – the strength of the Theory of Change, and the monitoring and evaluation framework
  • value for money – the value of the expected project outcomes
  • expertise – evidence of: understanding of the context; ability to manage and deliver a successful project that includes leadership skills and dissemination activities; experienced facilitators; and an existing network of connections across society
  • gender-sensitive approach – bidders should identify the gender implications of the project, and demonstrate how this is taken into account in the proposal
  • sustainability: an explanation of how the project outcomes will continue to have impact beyond the lifetime of the project
  • risk management – the extent to which the proposal identifies serious risks, together with a management strategy

This must include detailed information on how the project would deliver its activities and outcomes under:

  • different COVID-19 scenarios - including full or partial lockdown and restrictions on local / international travel, for part or all of the project period. This would impact both project activities and the need for a local project team presence

  • different political scenarios - including annexation scenarios, elections and other potential sources of instability

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Published 23 July 2020